2020 Judged Competitions

  Revised Digital Image (EDIs) only competition for the remainder of 2020
  Set Subject & Open

(now combined)

Deadline for UpLoad On line Judging of EDIs – Set Subject On line Judging of
EDIs – Open
#2 Machinery & Open Thursday April 30th Tuesday 2nd.June Tuesday 7th.July
#3 Abstract & Open Tuesday June 30th Tuesday 4th. August Tuesday 1st.September
#4 Still Life & Open Monday August 31st Tuesday 6th. October Monday 2nd. November


Definition: A photograph of an apparatus,  or part thereof, designed to apply mechanical power or to carry out some mechanical function. It must consist of several parts, each with its own function.


Definition: Images entered into the Abstract set subject competition must challenge the viewer to make their own interpretation of the subject and/or its original context or condition.
They may isolate a fragment from a natural or physical scene in order to remove its inherent context from the viewer, it may be purposely staged to create a seemingly unreal appearance from real objects, or it may involve the use of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and/or form to convey a feeling, sensation or impression.

Still Life           

Still life photography is a genre of photography used for the depiction of inanimate subject matter, typically a small group of objects. It is the application of photography to the still life artistic style. An example is food photography.

TBC: End of Year Competition: 

Entries due: 9 November              Judging: 5 December

VAPS Annual Competition:

VAPS conference being held 25 -27 June: Cancelled for 2020

TBC: Quad Competition:

Details Pending

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