2021 Judged Competitions

From January 2021 all competition images will be uploaded via the club website private members competition pages. Visit the page for instructions and access to the upload process

Print Images: Maximum Size 40cm x 50cm, (16″x20″) including mount, All print Images must also have a digital version uploaded via the website


Maximum size: W: 1920, H 1080, File size 5MB

File Naming: Please name your image file prior to your upload according to the following protocol: ImageTitle.jpg

For example: TheGoldenHour.jpeg DO NOT include any other information such as date, member number, camera data, etc. The upload software adds in the necessary data to your file name

Competition Dates

(please note these dates may be altered due to changing circumstances)

Comp Date Upload CommencesUpload closesSet Subject Topic
6 April11 January8 FebruaryMonochrome
2 June3 March12 AprilLiterature
4 August13 April6 JulyThe Human Body
6 October8 June7 September2+=1
5 Dec EOY9 August11 October
Open: 2 EDPI and 2 Print, Set Subject: 2 EDPI and 2 Print

Competition Definitions


Any photograph containing shades of only one colour. If toning is carried out, it must be over the total photograph – partial toning and/or the addition of one extra colour is not acceptable in a monochrome section


Photographs inspired by literature.

Definition of literature: a body of written works. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution. (Britannica). Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.

You could feature a literature genre such as, fantasy, romance and mystery, or a time period such as Victorian, Historic, SciFi – or types of literature such as novels and poetry.

Other literary photography examples could feature a bookish theme, by taking place in a library, featuring books themselves,  or having typography back drops.

Human Body

The human body is the structure of a human being. It comprises a head, neck, trunk  (which includes the thorax and abdomen), arms and hands, legs and feet.

There may be ‘attachments’ to the human body that for that particular individual allows them to function to the best of their ability: eg leg prothesis, hearing aids, glasses. However the strength of the image and its story should come from the human part and not the mechanical addition.

Comp Definition: 2+=1    (2Plus Equals One)

The photograph is to be created from two or more images combined to create ONE finished image. There should be a cohesion in the combination, both from the narrative of the images to the technical skills used to create the photograph. The completed image should only use photographic source images taken by the photographer, but they could be combined and have post production in a software program, or could be created in-camera such as double exposures.

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