August 2024 – Toolangi State Forest

On a rather dubious winter’s day with the threat of rain in the background, a few members took the trip over to Toolangi State Forest, about one and a half hour’s drive from our neck of the woods. The walkabout giving us the chance to check out the local bird life and lovely talk Mountain Ash trees, while also checking out the Sculpture Trail. Unfortunately the Discovery Centre there has been closed for some time, and from the looks of it the forest not overly patronised, however we managed to have a lovely meander through the forest along the River Trail and then along the Sculpture Trail as well, with no rain in sight for the duration!

The Sculptures were few and far between, with most of what must have been there either being grown over or have fallen into ruins and being reinstated with nature. There were a couple of them still standing and usable for photographs. It was a nice walk, with a few photo opportunities, including my first Yellow Robin so I call that a win!.

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