Judged Competitions 2024

Competition Rules and Guidance

The Competition Rules and guidance material can be found here.

Competition Definitions

April Competition  – Monochrome
Any photograph containing shades of only one colour. If toning is carried out, it must be over the total photograph – partial toning and/or the addition of one extra colour is not acceptable as a monochrome. A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black and white category. (For example, by Sepia, red, gold, etc.)
Uploads close 1 March.

June Competition – Product Photography
Product photography is a form of commercial photography that has the goal of presenting a product in the best possible photographic representation, and involves photographing products with the intention of displaying, promoting, and highlighting certain features of a product. Great product photography takes into careful consideration the tools of proper lighting, background materials, sharp camera focus with proper depth of field, advantageous camera angles and careful editing.with the aim of creating images at a decisive or poignant moment”
Uploads close 3 May.

August Competition – Portrait
A photograph of a person or persons that may range from a head study to full body length. This includes candid photographs and formal portraits. (APS)
Uploads close 2 July

October Competition – Negative Space
Negative space photography is related to minimalist photography. It emphasizes not just the subject but also the empty space around the subject. The viewer’s eyes may focus on a key subject but the large section of emptiness that surrounds the subject helps defines and emphasise that figure. The space is essential to the overall story of the image
Uploads close 3 September

End Of Year Images
For our end of year competition we would love to see the best you have produced throughout the year. Please select up to two of your best EDPI and two of your best Prints that have been submitted to any competition or activity in the club during the year. You can make adjustments/enhancements to these images from when they were first submitted based on any suggestions from our judges, or feedback from club members such as in the Cluster image groups
Uploads close 5 November

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