First place
Don Dennett         Kodak cine model K circa 1938        15
Highly Commended
Cherry Cole           Woodchip distributor Eden NSW 14
Judy Harrison       Sing to me 14
John Spring           Pipes n meter 14
John Spring           steaming 14
Tom Templeman Weighing Heavily 14
James Holgate      Duchess of Hamilton 14
Colleen Mahoney Grape press          14
Colleen Mahoney Grease and oil      14
Leigh Ball               Grinding Linseeds Amsterdam style 14
Osija Anolak          pistons  13
Cherry Cole           The Lanz Bulldog and Jimmy             13
Don Dennett         Bandsaw                13
Colleen Mahoney Pumping station works      13
Colleen Mahoney Pumping station wheels     13
Tony Ball               Piston    13
Tony Ball               Winch    13