One Image: Three Ways ’23

The more members participate in this the better. The idea is that each participating member submits one image that they are perhaps not totally happy with or they feel could do with a ‘makeover’. This is then distributed to three other members who process it to provide three variations. In return each participating member receives three images to process.


  • Being able to process other members images
  • To review your images through someone else’s interpretation
  • Practice your photo processing software skills and perhaps explore some new features


14 July Uplaod your single image in standard MRPS competition format on the Upload page One Image Three Ways: Original
21 JulyReceive three images for processing
28 JulyUplaod processed images to Upload page: One Image Three Ways Modified
7 AugustCome along to the tech night on 7 August 23 to see what others have done to your image


Contact Martin at the or on 0400 695 088

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