Stawell Weekend Getaway

Saturday and Sunday  October 21st and 22nd  2017

MRPS members weekend outing to Stawell & the Grampians
A weekend outing to Stawell is now proposed to follow up our recent image exchange with members of the Stawell Camera Club. See images and article in last months MRPS Focal Point edition May 2017.And on the Competitions Page.

The final details are still being worked out but will focus around Stawell being the gate way to the Grampians and the spring time weekend coinciding with the flower season. There will also be large patchwork areas of yellow canola fields for the landscape photographers. A range of photo-outings are planned over the weekend to several Grampian locations.

A Saturday night dinner of members from both clubs is being discussed at a location (probably in Stawell) is still being worked out. This notification is to alert members and allow time to organise the booking of accommodation and perhaps additional days to allow for an extended say in the region.

Accomodation options

The weather should be warmer with longer daylight allowing for more photographic outing opportunities. We hope that some members will take the opportunity to go earlier and stay later perhaps staying in other regional tourist locations. I like the idea of taking the caravan down a few days before hand and exploring the coastal environment of Portland and Mt Gambier.

Stay tuned for more details at Club meetings and later Focal Point editions.

Other regional references for your investigation


MRPS Contact  -  John Spring  (M 0409 861 876)

August Update

The Stawell Camera Club members are working on a map with a list of photographic locations for MRPS members and family to visit and photograph. This will be published in Focal point and also be available on the club’s web site Stawell outing page:-

As a number of members have indicated they will going early and leaving later, having a longer get-a-way than just the Saturday and Sunday, the list of recommended photographic locations will be an added advantage

The activities details for this photographic get-a-way are still being worked on by the Stawell CC members. But will include a combined Saturday night dinner and meeting for members of Stawell CC  and Macedon Ranges PS members and their families.

Several specialist photographic outings are being organised which will be led by a Stawell CC member who is an expert in the photographic subject and location. The current possibilities are ‘photographing flowers in the Grampians’ and a night time photography exercise ‘shooting the stars’. These possible specialist events may not be scheduled till just before the get-a-way as much depends on what specialist Stawell CC members are available and the general weather conditions.

We have booked our Penguin Caravan into the Stawell Grampians Gate Caravan Park from the Friday to the Tuesday.  Several other members have organised powered sites and cabins here as well.

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(c) Bruce from Stawell Camera Club

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