Central Victorian Interclub 2022 Events


QUAD Comp’ Presentation Day – SCHEDULE of EVENTS times and locations – 12/11/22:

* 11am to 11:15am Meet Top of the Range Cafe carpark – Mount Macedon
see attached PDF Map of the Macedon Ranges Regional Park

* 11:15am to 12:30pm Photo walk-a-round locations on Mt Macedon – the memorial CROSS, Major Mitchell Lookout, Kurana Memorial, Mount Macedon Historic Survey Cairn, all located within walking distance of the Mt.Macedon Tea Rooms Cafe Carpark and Toilet facilities.

* 12:30pm to 1pm Arrive Exhibition & Presentation Venue – Dromkeen Conference Centre – 1012 Kilmore Road Riddells Creek (2Kms east of the centre of Riddells Creek) see attached image or Web Page URL URL  https://www.dromkeen.com.au/

* 1pm to 2:00pm – Dromkeen Venue – Refreshments and view Quad Competition entries exhibition Prints and EDIs. Cash only door entry $5 (raffle tickets separate)

* 2pm to 4:00pm – Quad Competition Entries with scores Presentation, Judges Comments, Quad Award presentations, Door Prize & Raffle – Tea & Coffee – closure

There will be a $5 entry fee (cash only) at the door. There will also be a door prize. Supper will be provided, and raffle tickets for prizes will also be available. It is important for Quad Club secretaries to advise on their proposed numbers attending   essential for catering.

“….PLAN B if at 11am weather on Mt Macedon is unsuitable (one of our club members will be at the Carpark no matter what to direct you  (alternative to  the outing come to Dromkeen Conference Centre for entertaining Photography and Audio Visual presentations along with refreshments prior to the Quad Competition presentation….”:

All these arrangements are of course subject to any applicable COVID19 restrictions but here’s hoping there will be none.

Please eMail or phone me (Ron Mathews) (secretary@macedon-ranges-photography.org.au phone 0415 454 936) by Monday Nov 7th –  contact would be appreciated by return eMail or phone with the approximate number of your members attending the Walk-a-Bout Photo outing on Mt.Macedon and numbers coming, if different, to the afternoon presentation so we can cater appropriately.

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