2024 APS Photo Walk Day MRPS Upload

APS Photo Walk Day 2024 is available to all Australian Camera Clubs and individuals and clubs can participate in this exciting and fun filled event.‍

MRPS is submitting a group entry and we need your images from the day! You can always opt to do an individual entry as well. This upload page for the club entry only. We need to select 12 images from the ones you take on the day. 

You can upload here up to six  (6) images for MRPS club selection consideration. We will be looking at and overall diversity of images to submit to the APS.

Walk Day Details


Theme: Sport, Hobbies and Fun Activities

What do many people do on a Saturday?  They take up an opportunity to participate in a sport or activity or just get out and about and have fun.  Here is a broad theme that provides all participants with the opportunity to capture a wide range of images from action in sport to inside board games. Images can capture individuals or groups, teams or solo participants.  The sport, hobby or fun activity can be formal such as a local team sporting event, or informal such as a group of people playing in the local park.  The key focus should reflect the emotional aspect such as the joy, the fun, the focus, the intensity or the energy of participating in a sport, hobby or fun activity.

Images must be captured on the day and metadata must be included.


  1. Individual Walkers: An individual participant must  submit 4 images. (Direct to the APS website)
  2.  Team: A team must submit 12 images. MRPS will be selecting our 12 images from the selection uploaded on this page and will then submit to APS as a group entry


Key Dates

  • 4th May:  Photo Walk Day”: Images to be taken 4 May: MRPS Member Upload opens on this page
  • 13 May MRPS Member Upload closes at midnight  .
  • Then a MRPS subcommittee will select 12 images to submit to the activity
  • 20th May:  Images need to be uploaded to the APS site (Committee member will do this)
  • 22nd May: Judging will commence
  • 5th June: Official Results Announcement (online)


Individual Scores

  • Each image is scored as an individual image and the sum of the 4 images is the Individual’s Score (the same as previous years)
  • Individual images will be given a score out of 9 covering technical quality, and relevance to the theme

The Team Scores (story-telling)

  • The Team submission is about story-telling by creating a series of images that can help to create a sense of atmosphere and emotion. The images can capture a moment in time, or a series of moments but there must be a connection between the images that is self-evident in the images themselves.

The Team submission will be given an overall score

  • Three (3) Judges will look at the Teams 12 images and judge them based upon
    • The connection between the images, do the connect to tell a story (max 10 marks)
    • The story itself – is there a strong story being told through the 12 images (max 10 marks)
    • The technical aspects of the images (max 10 marks)

Overall Team Score (30 marks per judge).


  • The intent is to capture (4 or 12) images in-camera on the day.
  • Images must be captured on 4th May 2024 and metadata must be included with the images.
  • All elements must have been photographed by the entrant/s and images submitted must be 100% photographic in origin.
  • Any photo stacking, over-under exposure of multiple images or similar activities must occur in camera.
  • Post processing must be of the individual image taken and any composite, stacked, panorama or other similar actions must only occur in-camera and cannot be created in post-processing.
  • Triptychs or similar multiple images incorporated into one image are not eligible.
  • As the judging criteria is different a person can participate as an individual entry and as part of a team. However, the same image cannot be presented in both sections.
  • Images may only be entered once, and mono conversions will be considered as the same image.
  • The Judge’s decision is final and no appeal of the judges decisions will be permitted.
  • Image Size: 1920 x 1200 with a maximum size of 2MB
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