October 2023 – Ballarat International Foto Biennale

14 October 2023

The walkabout for October was a little different as we took advantage of an offer to tour the two main exhibitions of the 2023 Foto Biennale. It was with pleasure that Vanessa, CEO of the Biennale, took us around the two exhibitions providing a commentary on the exhibitions that was both interesting and enlightening.

The Instant Warhol exhibition provided some unseen before polaroid photos from an Andy Warhol collection that showcased original polaroids rather than copies. Many were selfies of Warhol, but there were others of famous people such as Dolly Parton, Mick Jagger, Sylvester Stallone to name a few.

The Platon Exhibition showcased his portraits of famous actors, actresses, singers, designers and politicians. Other interesting works were photographs of humanitarian and activist activities. This shows his diverse photographic interests and impartial ethic when it comes to his photography. It was interesting to see how he undertook the technical side of his photography as well.

It was a very interesting day and the Foto Bieannale had other exhibitions and points of interest if you were so inclined.

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